Gigwa v2.6 is now out!

You may download Gigwa bundle or webapp from the project homepage
Changes in v2.6:
  • Improved filtering: MAF, missing data and heterozygosity percentages may now be applied by range
  • New export functionalities for converting SNP genotypes into pseudo-alignments ready for tree construction (supported formats: NEXUS, PHYLIP, FASTA)
  • Added means for any user to push exported data into Galaxy libraries (for any Galaxy instance the user has an account on)
  • Import interface refactored to allow providing metadata along with genotypes (single-shot). Now attempts pulling BrAPI metadata as soon as extRefId and extRefSrc values are found (no more need to get back to the import interface and submit again)
  • Added support for sample metadata (only accessible via BrAPI)
  • Implemented the following BrAPI v2.1 calls: GET /allelematrix, POST /search/allelematrix, PUT /calls
  • Importing genotypes via BrAPI v1 now prompts for token rather than doing unsecure authentication
  • Improved support for online output tools, allowing to finely define URLs (in for pushing each type of exported file according to its extension
  • Added support for allowedOrigins parameter in, providing sysadmin means to precisely define CORS-policy based on URL patterns (convenient for securing REST API usage)
  • Allowed to override values with environment variables by prefixing their name with "GIGWA." (particularly useful when using the Docker version)
  • Various bugfixes